February 18, 2025 Council Meeting Blog 

Hello Ringwood! 

Tuesday’s meeting began on a ceremonious note with two residents being acknowledged with Years of Service Awards. It was an honor to present Laura and Dom Ingraffea with 50 years of service awards to the Borough of Ringwood and the Ringwood Ambulance Corps. Laura and Dom are a husband and wife who have served on the Ringwood Ambulance Corp with distinction for 50 years. On behalf of a grateful community we thank Dom and Laura for their service and wish them so much success in their future endeavors. 

We had two ordinances that were up for final passage. One was adopting the redevelopment plan and the second was amending the sewer fees for water consumption rates. We also introduced a new ordinance for consideration amending a fee for traffic directors. We had a handful of resolutions that were noteworthy. 

We approved a grant for the green team and adopted a resolution to turn bonds into permanent funding. We are advised in this decision by Bond Counsel and our Auditors that this will cover nine years of anticipation notes. 

We must roll the two oldest years into bond so doing all of it at the same time will save us approximately $60,000 per year of bond fees. 

Our credit rating is very strong, and this helps lower financing rates and our bond rating remains strong. It is important to note that this does not increase debt, just consolidates into one note. Interest rates have been increasing the last two years, and we can lock in a rate for 15 years. Also, important to know is that the tax exemption for muni bond interest expires in 2025, it should be renewed, but if not, rates will go up 30%. 

Just a reminder that all agendas, resolutions, and ordinances can be found online at https://www.ringwoodnj.net/content/2345/2767/default.aspx. 

Please take a moment to review the many wonderful programs that are available to residents at the community center. There is something for everyone! 


Also, Michelle and I will be at the Skyline Luncheonette at 11am-12 pm on Sunday, March 2, 2025 to meet with residents! Come on out and meet your Mayor and Deputy Mayor! Our next council meeting will be held at 7:30pm Tuesday, March 18, 2025. 

Warm Regards, 




January 21st, 2025 Council Meeting Blog Ringwood, NJ