Council Meeting Update


Good Afternoon Ringwood! I hope that this finds everyone enjoying their summer and all that the warm weather has to offer. On Tuesday, July 25, 2023 we had our monthly meeting of the Ringwood Borough Mayor and Council. As always, we try to keep you informed of all that we have going on in our great town!


Ryerson School Water System

● The Board of Education and the Borough are working together to connect Ryerson school to the Borough’s water system.

● Work is expected to begin the first week of August with completion by the beginning of the school year.

● The school will be responsible for hiring a licensed well installer to decommission the existing well.

● The benefit to this is two-fold. This will save our schools money as they will no longer need a water operator or to file state reports. Currently, when the power goes out they must evacuate the school for health reasons and this connection will end that having to happen.

Skyline Lakes Drive- 5 ton Truck Weight Limit

● On June 20, 2023 we finally received approval for a 5-ton commercial vehicle weight restriction on the entire length of Skyline Lakes Drive.

● In order to avoid vehicle entrapment of tractor trailers, NJDOT has required portions of surrounding streets to also have a 5-ton commercial vehicle weight restriction. This applies to vehicles trying to cut through. This does not apply to a vehicle making a local residential delivery.

● We introduced the ordinance at the meeting and will be adopted at the next meeting in August. NJDOT will receive the adopted ordinance for their final inspection. At that point, signs will be erected and the weight limit can be enforced!

Paving Projects

● Phase 1 is tentatively scheduled for the first two weeks of August.

● Streets Included: Conklintown Road ( from Skyline Drive to the southerly section of Poplar Drive) Skylands Road (from 511 to Cupsaw Plaza) and Coventry Way (including Nottingham Court and Briscoe Chase)

● Skyline Lakes Drive construction is awaiting DOT approval. Once reviewed the project will go out to bid. We are hoping to have a contract by September.

Rain Garden

● We applied and were awarded the 2022 Stormwater Management Grant for Water Quality improvements to construct a rain garden at Ryerson school. The requested amount of the grant was $194, 700.00 but we are awaiting the award amount.

● The rain garden at Ryerson is in the watershed of Cupsaw Brook and will assist in reducing non-point source pollution to the lake and downstream portion of Cupsaw Lake.

● Since the project will occur on the school grounds we are hoping it will be used as an ideal learning tool as to how watershed protection is a cornerstone to our future.

Turf Field

● In March Colliers Engineering and Design was awarded a contract for preliminary investigative work for a turf field at our Stonetown Complex.

● On June 20, 2023 they provided a preliminary survey showing potential wetlands. Once the final survey and wetland mapping is finalized it will be submitted to the NJDEP for their approval.

● A soil test is required at the turf location. Testing is scheduled for Friday, July 28th.

● Once the results are reviewed and NJDEP provides approval, the next phase of the project can move forward.

Smart 911 ( Previously Swift 911)

● On August 1, 2023 Swift 911 will move to Smart 911.

● This change will allow residents to receive alerts via phone, email, and text. It also allows residents to answer questions that will provide our emergency personnel critical information during emergency situations.

● Individuals who previously had Swift 911 will be automatically enrolled in the new system but we are advising all residents to go and update information to the new platform to ensure accuracy. Please do that at and follow the link.


● The Child Health Clinic provides immunizations for children 18 and under who are uninsured, underinsured, or on Medicare Part A. The next event will be held on August 21st. Please call the Health Department for more information.

● The “Know your numbers” program is back. This event is scheduled three times per year and provides low-cost blood work to residents. The next one will be October 14th.

● Thank you to Mayor Noonan, Senator Pennachio, and Assemblymen Bergen and

Webber for organizing the Mobile DMV event at Borough Hall. It was a tremendous success and we look forward to offering it again in the near future.

● The Jr. Police Academy will take place on July 31st-August 4th and LRHS. Activities include CSI, First aid training, fire simulation and search and rescue.

● The Ringwood Fireworks will be held on Saturday, September 9th

● (rain date September 10th) at Sheppard Lake. The show will begin at dark around 8pm.

● Town wide yard sale will take place on September 23rd and 24th rain or shine! Applications must be received at the Recycling Department by September 1st to be included on the map. Registration forms are available on the Borough website.

Please continue to enjoy your Summer! Be safe and we will see you in the community!


August Council Update


May Council Meeting